The Intelligent Systems, Content and Interaction laboratory(ISCIL) was established in 1988, as one of the Laboratories of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Greece. The members of the Lab (which are about 35, including research scientists, researchers, Ph.D students, programmers, and supporting staff) are active members of the research community having published more than 100 journal articles and 200 international conference contributions.
The most important areas of R&D activities performed or supported by ISCIL include face, body, emotion analysis, recognition and action; knowledge based multimedia analysis; uncertainty modelling, artificial neural networks, fuzzy and neurofuzzy technologies; artificial neural networks and computational intelligence; intelligent Human Computer Interaction and serious/educational/entertainment games.
ISCIL has been involved in more than ninety R&D projects. Half of them have been funded by the European Commission and the rest by Greek organisations. Eighty of them have been completed, while twelve are in progress; one of the latest projects in the field, Siren, has produced a game which reached the final stage in three serious games competitions, received a design award from Intel and won the European Learning Game of the Year award from the Games and Learning Alliance Network of Excellence. ISCIL’s host university, NTUA, is the leading Greek academic institution in terms of attracting EU funding.