
The project L.U.C.A wants to exchange experience and good practice in the field of formal, non-formal or informal learning of people awakened from a coma with acquired disabilities and people accompanying them in the new project life (family members, volunteers, experts). LUCA partners are subjects (training institutions, research centers, associations and groups of family members and volunteers) that accompany people with acquired disabilities due to brain injury and a coma, to redesign their own family, social and work life. They also teach to family members, professionals, volunteers and, more generally, citizenship and institutions, to play an active role for promoting the citizenship rights of people with disabilities. Starting from the comparison of best practices, implemented by partners, common Guidelines will be produced for training, consulting and coaching of people awakened from a coma as well as their family members/caregivers and volunteers. In particular, the partners will focus the discussion and the production of common guidelines on the issues of the rights of persons with disabilities, the role of associations representing the family, the quality standards in the therapeutic facilities and in returning at home, the methodologies for social and employment reintegration

The Partnership will provide the 1st core of the “International Network of Awakenings” and will launch the first European Day of Awakenings, on the example of the consolidated experience of the Association “Gli Amici di Luca” and of the Centre for Research on the coma- Casa dei Risvegli Luca De Nigris in Bologna (IT), who from 15 years promotes the national Day of Awakenings. A great work of public awareness will be promoted by giving voice to the thousands of people who every year come in a coma.

For further information please contact Futura Soc.Cons.r.l



Il presente progetto 2013-1-IT-GRU06-51826-1 è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea.

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