Futura Soc. Cons. r.l. (IT)


Futura Soc. Cons. r.l. (IT) is a Public Company for Vocational Training and Local Community Development. Set up in 1997 by S. Giovanni in Persiceto and S. Pietro in Casale Municipalities. Today 18 Municipalities are in partnership with F. and it has become the operational arm of these public bodies of the Bologna Province. From 2008 F. is developing a Division to manage European projects and funds and to give to public bodies a technical support in European programmes and is now working with about 30 Municipalities. It has planned and managed on different EU Programme as LLP (Comenius MP, Leonardo, Grundtvig MP) and Youth in Action. Futura is UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certified and has been accredited by Emilia Romagna Region to carry out education and training initiatives in the areas of Compulsory Education – for young Lower Middle School leavers, Higher Education – for young diploma holders or graduates, Continuing and Permanent Education – for the employed and the unemployed, as well as the specialist fields of Apprenticeship, Special Users and Distance Learning. Futura realizes projects which aim to improve the quality of social services and appeal to all the figures in the sector, from operators to managers, users, families and volunteers. Futura organizes training for educators, trainers, psychologists, therapists who work with disabled people. Since 2000 collaborates with the Association “Gli Amici di Luca” and has developed training for volunteers and family members of people in a coma or awakened from a coma (in particular “COMA: orientation course in music and art therapy” 00/0222/BO funded by ESF).

Gli amici di Luca is a social health-voluntary association operating since 1999. Its mission is:

  • To cooperate with the Bologna Health Authority for the success of the rehabilitation centre Casa dei Risvegli  Luca de Nigris.
  • Social welfare support to the families with people with post-coma problems
  • Awareness campaign on Coma through meetings, events, mass-media.
  • Educational plans addressed to the families
  • Training of volunteers
  • Coordination of various professionals (educators, theater and music therapy, psychologist)
  • ComAiuto : free phone line to support families with post-coma problems
  • Research projects through the Centro Studi per la Ricerca sul Coma which members are Gli amici di Luca , Azienda Usl di Bologna (Health Authority), Bologna University, Municipality of Bologna.

Theater Group composed by people who have had post-coma problems and volunteers.